Center’s NewsMatch campaign nets nearly $90K

News Match logo.We’re thrilled to be kicking off 2024 with a bit of good news: Thanks to supporters like you who donated to the Arnolt Center for Investigative Journalism, we exceeded our $15,000 NewsMatch goal and, including matches, raised a total of nearly $90,000!

Each qualifying donation is being matched by NewsMatch ($15,000) and by the Joyce Foundation ($10,000). Another donor is matching all gifts and matches (up to $36,000).

By investing in us, you showed that what we do has value, and we promise not to let you down.

We know this type of reporting helps power a better-informed democracy — during an election year and beyond — and we’re glad you do, too. Thank you for supporting our investigative journalism.

Now, let’s get to work!

With gratitude,
Kathleen Johnston
Founding Director
Michael I. Arnolt Center for Investigative Journalism